
Showing posts from May, 2024

Week 16


Week 15


Week 14


Week 13


Science 22-24 answer key


Science - Sound requires a medium top travel


Science Review 22-24


Journeys 21-25 Review


Grammar Units 13-15 worksheets


Science Units 22-24 worksheets


Literary Elements Theme


Literary Elements Main Idea


Literary Elements Tone worksheet

  Directions: Read each poem and then answer the following questions Ellis Park By Helen Hoyt Little park that I pass through, I carry off a piece of you Every morning hurrying down To my work-day in the town; Carry you for country there To make the city ways more fair. I take your trees, And your breeze, Your greenness, Your cleanness, Some of your shade, some of your sky, Some of your calm as I go by; Your flowers to trim The pavements grim; Your space for room in the jostled street And grass for carpet to my feet. Your fountains take and sweet bird calls To sing me from my office walls. All that I can see I carry off with me. But you never miss my theft, So much treasure you have left. As I find you, fresh at morning, So I find you, home returning -- Nothing lacking from your grace. All your riches wait in place For me to borrow On the morrow. Do you hear this praise of

Literary Elements Mood worksheet

  Directions: Read the passages and underline words and phrases that help set the mood. Write down the mood of the passage and explain your answer.   1. Trey looked out the window. The rain was still pouring down. He threw his baseball glove on the couch with a sigh. The thunder cracked and his phone dinged. Trey picked up the phone. It was a message from his cousin: The game is cancelled because of the weather. Trey didn't reply to the message. He threw the phone back on his bed and rubbed his temples. The rain pattered on the roof.   What is the mood of this paragraph? ______________________________________________________   Why do you believe this? Explain your answer by referring to the text.       2. Brett sweated in his chair. The clock in the classroom ticked loudly. Brett looked at the test question again. He had no clue what the answer was. His teacher paced around the room. Brett felt like the teacher was circling him, specifically

Matilda Chapters Summary

  Summary: Chapter 10: Throwing the Hammer Matilda gets along well with her classmates. She becomes friends with a girl named Lavender, and the two admire each other’s adventurous spirit. Matilda and Lavender meet an unpleasant, older student named Hortensia on the playground. Hortensia tells them about “The Chokey,” a small closet with walls covered in broken glass and sharp nails, where Miss Trunchbull puts kids to punish them. Children who do not stand up straight are cut and poked by the glass. Hortensia tells them of the times that she has been sent to The Chokey, for putting syrup on Miss Trunchbull’s chair and for putting itching powder in the drawer where Miss Trunchbull keeps her gym shorts.  Matilda and Lavender realize that Hortensia has a rebellious spirit like their own. Hortensia also warns them that Miss Trunchbull sometimes picks up students and throws them, since she used to compete in the hammer throw for Britain at the Olympics. While on the playground, Miss Trun

Out of My Mind Chapters Summary

  Summary: Chapter 13 One day, Mrs. V hands two-year-old Penny a coloring book and crayons, and Penny begins to scribble. Melody admires her sister’s ability to use a crayon and wishes she could draw a rose for her friend, Rose. Mrs. V tells Melody and Penny that she won an essay contest, and the prize is an all-expenses paid trip for six to the new downtown aquarium. Mrs. V offers to take Melody’s family but she still has one ticket left. Melody immediately thinks of Rose and spells out her name. Mrs. V agrees and Melody is quite excited when Rose agrees to go.  The car ride to the aquarium is filled with conversation between Rose, Mrs. V, and Melody’s parents. Everyone is having a great time at the aquarium, until they run into Molly and Claire. When the girls find out that Rose is there with Melody, they laugh and shriek. Melody overhears Rose sheepishly tell them that it’s not so bad. Mrs. V makes a comment to Claire about the braces on her teeth. She tells her that she should

Week 12
