week 16


2021-2022 6th Grade English Final Exam Semester II 2022

Date: Tuesday, June 7th, 2022


Grammar: (24%)

Review Resource: Live English Grammar Units 12, 14 and 16

a)     Present Perfect Progressive

b)     Infinitive / -ing form / Too - Enough

c)     Conditional Sentences Type 1


Literary Devices: (20%)

            Students will have to answer a series of questions identifying literary devices from this semester. The questions will be in the format of multiple choices and short answer questions. Determine what the question is and for each story explain your answer in full sentence.  P.89-p.103

a)     Mood and  Tone

b)     Theme

c)     Main idea & Topic


50 New Vocabulary Words: (16%)

Review Resource: Journeys Vocabulary Worksheets for Lessons 25-29

Students will have to read sentences and fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word.


Reading (20%)

Students will have to answer 5 comprehension questions based on a short given text.  Students will also have to answer questions about the stories they read in Journeys (Lessons 25-29). Full sentence answers are required. Attention will be paid to understanding of the text, effort put forth in answering the questions, and quality of answers.


Creative Writing (20%)

Students will write a 3 paragraph essay based on their respective in-class readers.  Knowledge of literary devices discussed in class thus far will need to be demonstrated.  Topics will not be told beforehand but an understanding of the chapters they have read so far in class will suffice to write a good essay.


6th Grade Science and Math Review Exam Semester II

Date: Wednesday, June 8th, 2020


Review Resources – My Pals are Here Science Book 5B. Students will answer questions based on concepts and vocabulary primarily from these 4 units:


Unit 22Electric circuit (5% of the paper)

Unit 23Sound (5% of the paper)

Unit 24Soil

Unit 25The Sky



Students will solve math and word problems based on the following lessons:

Ch 7: Speed - DST (10% of the paper)

Ch 8: Circles

Ch 9: Graphs


Read the questions carefully & study like crazy,

Mr. Theo, Ms. Peggy and Mr. Ed
