Week 5

 Dear parents,

This week we worked on:

Journeys: We did Lesson 5 "The Comedian" and students answered all the questions in the book. Books have been passed out to the students so they can review lessons 1-5 and get ready for the midterm exam.

Grammar: We reviewed unit 1 & 2 "Present Simple / Present Progressive - Articles / Nouns". Books have been passed out to the students so they can review both units.  

Creative Writing: This week students had to write 3 short term goals they have using the "Present Simple / Present Progressive tenses". The format of the writing project is "Diary, where students had to explain why they set these goals. They also had to make sure that their goals are S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely)

Science: This week we had enough time to review Unit 14 "Materials & Their Properties"

Math: This week we did Chapter 3. L2: Division of Whole Numbers by Decimals.

Students have books and can review them during the long weekend. 
