
Showing posts from March, 2023

Week 7 - Children's Day

  Today our school celebrated Children's Day. Students had fun and showed their skills in several games. Have a nice long weekend everybody. I will see you all next week on April 6th. 

Week 6

 Dear parents, This week we completed the first English Exam for the second semester. We had enough time to review all the subjects (Journeys, Grammar, Math, Science and Literary Elements). This time 602A & 603R students worked in teams because we wanted to practice the 4th habit "Win-Win".

Literary Elements - Genre - Point of View - Author's Purpose


Matilda Chapter Summaries 1-9

  Matilda  Chapter Summaries 1-9 Chapter 1: The Reader of Books The narrator describes how most parents think that their children are the best and the smartest. The narrator says that sometimes parents do the opposite and ignore their children. This is the case with Matilda. Matilda’s brother, Michael, is “perfectly normal,” but Matilda is brilliant and sensitive. She can speak like an adult at age one and a half. She teaches herself to read by age three, but her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood, do not notice that she is special. There are very few books in Matilda’s home, so she asks her father if he would buy her one. He tells Matilda that she should watch TV instead.  Every afternoon, while her father is working and her mother leaves town to play bingo, Matilda walks to the public library. The librarian, Mrs. Phelps, is concerned by Matilda’s age and lack of supervision, but does not interfere. Matilda reads through all of the children’s books and asks for a good, famous book that ad

"Out of My Mind" Summary Ch. 1-12

  Out of My Mind Chapters 1-12 Summary Chapter 1 The story is narrated by a young girl who is almost eleven years old and lives with her father and mother. She develops a strong understanding of language very early on in life and remembers the words to nearly all the songs her parents ever sang and stories they ever told her. Even though her head is almost overflowing with thoughts, she has never spoken a word. Chapter 2 This chapter more fully introduces Melody Brooks, a young girl living with a crippling medical disorder. Due to her illness, she is unable to walk or talk, and she can barely move her arms. On occasion, her limbs seem to act with a mind of their own and flail about even if she does not want them to. She has a pink wheelchair, which she uses to get around, though the fact that it’s pink doesn’t add much in her opinion. Melody has an incredible memory and can recall specific events even from when she was only a baby. She is a quick learner, so she picked up the meaning b
  Dear parents & students, This week we completed, Journeys : Lesson 20 Grammar : Unit 11 Science : Unit 21 Math : Ch. 6 till page 30 Novels : Out of My Mind - Matilda Students took a quiz (spelling-vocab L20 and Literary Elements {Author's Point of View - Author's Purpose}). Please take advantage of the weekend to get ready for the upcoming Midterm exam.  In a separate post, you will find the chapters' summaries for Matilda and Out of My Mind.
  Dear parents, This week we worked on: Journeys : Lesson 19 “Finding King Tut” We completed the activities in the book and practiced the vocabulary. Students also took a spelling – vocab – grammar quiz. Grammar : We started Unit 11 “Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple – the verb used to ” Math : We did Ch. 6 L3: Problem Solving Science : We started Unit 21: Light & Heat Novels : “Out of my Mind” and “Matilda” Literary Elements : Author’s Point of View Author's Point of View extra teaching materials so students can practice further:  6 th Grade English Review Exam 1 Semester 2 Date: Thursday, March 23 trd , 2023   Grammar : (24%) Review Resource: Live English Grammar Units 9-11                             Reflexive-Emphatic Pronouns/Which?/One-Ones           Present Perfect Simple             Present Perfect Simple vs. Past Simple   Literary Devices: (20%)             Students will have to answer a series of questions identifying the genre ,

Week 3

  Dear parents, This week we worked on: Journeys: Lesson 18 - We completed the activities in the book and practiced the vocabulary.  Grammar: We completed Unit 10 “Present Perfect Simple” Math: We did Ch. 6 L2: One Quantity as a Percentage of Another   Novels: “Out of my Mind” and “Matilda”.   During reading comprehension, students had the chance to work either individually or in a team to complete the questions from the novel. They did a great job as it was the first time where they managed to work absolutely without getting any assistance from the teacher. Thank you all for your hard work!